Wall Ties



BMWTIC4 Rally Cavity Tie 4mm Red
SOLD AS CTN 500PC – 10 Bags of 50pcs
Complies with: AS/ NZS 2699.1
Type of Brick Tie: Type A
Durability Classification: Red wire - R3, R2, R1, R0
Product length: 210mm
Hot dipped Galvanised with a red powder coating to identify

BMWTIB4 Rally Brick veneer 4mm Red
Complies with: AS/ NZS 2699.1
Type of Brick Tie: Type A
Durability Classification: Red wire - R3, R2, R1, R0
Product Length: 1850mm
Hot dipped Galvanised with a red powder coating to identify

BMWWTBFFL Rally Face fixing Veneer Light Duty (L shape with nails)
Rally face fixing medium duty veneer ties are designed to suit the cavity between brickwork and a timber or steel frame.
Made of Galvanised steel sheet 0.8mm thick and are classified R2 for Durability.
Meets specifications and requirements for face fixing wall ties as stipulated in the Australian Standard AS 2699.1:2000 complying with AS1397 with a galvanised coating of at least Z600

BMWWTBFFMRally Face fixing Veneer Medium Duty (L shape with screws)
Made of Galvanised steel sheet 1mm thick and are classified R2 for Durability. Meets specifications and requirements for face fixing wall ties as stipulated in the Australian Standard AS 2699.1:2000 complying with AS1397 with a galvanised coating of at least Z600

BMWWTBSFMRally Side fixing Veneer Medium Duty (with screws)
Rally side fixing brick tie (wall tie) is designed to strengthen the bond between brickwork and framed walls in brick veneer situations.
Made of Galvanised steel sheet 1mm thick and are classified R2 for Durability. Meets specifications and requirements for face fixing wall ties as stipulated in the Australian Standard AS 2699.1:2000 complying with AS1397 with a galvanised coating of at least Z600

Rally Expansion Ties (Wall) take the guesswork out of laying masonry wall expansion gaps.
Made of Galvanised steel sheet 0.8mm thick and are classified R2 for Durability.
Meets the material requirements of AS1397-2011 GRADE G300-Z600

Product Code Description Barcode Weight Carton Quantity Quantity
BMWTE20 Wall Ties - Expansion Ties Z600 R2 (Box of 20 pcs) (G) 9315532005081 1.42 kg 10
BMWTIB4 Wall Ties - Brick Veneer 4mm Red (Box of 500 pcs) 9315532004855 14.35 kg 1
BMWTIC4 Wall Ties - Cavity Tie 4mm Red (Box of 500 pcs) 9315532004879 24.05 kg 1
BMWWTBFFL Wall Ties - Face Fixing Veneer - Light Duty (Box of 150 pcs) (H) 9315532005074 2.08 kg 10
BMWWTBFFM Wall Ties - Face Fixing Veneer- Medium Duty (Box of 150 pcs) (F) 9315532004794 2.51 kg 8
BMWWTBSFM Wall Ties - Side Fixing Veneer - Medium Duty (Box of 150 pcs) (B) 9315532005098 2.65 kg 10


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